
Easy way to hide WhatsApp images and videos from gallery

If you have Whatsapp auto-download feature on when pictures and video are sent in a group chat or even privat chat, it auto downloads and saves in your phone automatically when you open your Whatsapp. Sometimes pictures and videos we don't know nothing about will download and appear in our Gallery. The image or video may not be pleasing
to the eyes of our friends or kids around and i know you must have been wondering how you can hide them. Today, i will be guiding you on how to hide the image and videos from gallery.

How To Hide Whatsapp Images And Videos From Gallery
This method we will be using to hide the image and videos from Gallery is simple and does not require rooting or any third-party app to do so. Simply understand the way to hide WhatsApp content from a gallery. Just follow the below steps to proceed.

  • The first thing now is to Open the File Explorer/Manager of your device.
  • Then navigate to Whatsapp folder your might be in internal or external memory, for me I have mine in the external memory of my phone. Open the Whatsapp folder, next Open Media. You will find all folders of your WhatsApp content including WhatsApp images and WhatsApp videos.
  • Now rename the folder with name Whatsapp images to .Whatsapp images by doing this it will disappear and hide all your WhatsApp images from the gallery.
  • Now Rename Whatsapp Videos to .Whatsapp Videos for your Whatsapp Video folder to hide your videos from Gallery
  • Now open settings then navigate to Apps Manager there you will find the gallery in the All section, click on it.
  • Now scroll down and click on the clear cache. 

Note: this method can be used to hide any folder with files from your phone, not just WhatsApp folders!

That’s it! Immediately open your gallery and you will notice that the WhatsApp content will not be displayed there.

If you want your Whatsapp image and Videos to show in Gallery again, just go back to your external/internal storage, press menu and select show hidden files now go to your Whatsapp folder and rename the .Whatsapp images to Whatsapp images and .Whatsapp Videos to Whatsapp Videos

Hope you find this helpful, kindly share with friends!


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